Product Overview: GXDP-700 Digital Panoramic X-ray Unit

Gendex Dental Systems

Dr. Jeff Rohde reviews the GXDP-700™ Digital Panoramic X-ray Unit from Gendex Dental Systems. This unit features an iPad like touchscreen that allows training time to be reduced in the dental practice. It also provides a variety of upgrade options, including Panoramic, Cephalometric and 3D / Cone Beam.

Today we're talking about a new product from Gendex, the GXDP-700. 

Now, all of us have different needs for our practice; we have different patients and different procedures that we do.  We also know that the world is going digital and so is dentistry.  The paperless practice is becoming more prevalent.  Patients like to see those digital X-rays.  They're amazingly diagnostic, and they're really neat to look at.

So, GXDP-700 comes in and provides a lot of solutions for your practice.  It's technically a three-in-one imaging system.  It's panoramic X-rays, cephalometric X-rays, and it'll also do 3D cone beam.

So, who is this good for?  General dentists, orthodontists, endodontists, oral surgeons, it can do it all.  The great thing is if you're starting off in one particular part of your practice, you can upgrade to any of the features later on.  So, if you just want to start with the panoramic unit, eventually add the cephalometric unit, and then go with 3D cone beam later, you could do that or you can get any combination inside of that.

One of the neat things about the GXDP-700, it has a really slick interface.  It's kind of an iPad-like touch screen that allows you to navigate in between all the imaging programs it has. 

It also has a scout view.  Now, the scout view is really neat because obviously everybody's worried about the amount of radiation they're going to get.  What the scout view allows you to do is do a low-dose first-pass scan that then lets you kind of triangulate in on one particular area you want to check out, and then go ahead and zoom in on that and rescan, and it just captures in a high-resolution detail just that one portion.  So, it really eliminates the amount of radiation the patient's exposed to.

Now, what are you going to do with this?  Diagnosis, treatment planning, you could do implants, you could do surgical guides, this thing opens doors to all kinds of possibilities for your practice.

The GXDP-700 from Gendex: check it out.

