New Dental Product: CleanFlow™ Procedure Instrument For the GentleWave® System From Sonendo

 New Dental Product: CleanFlow™ Procedure Instrument For the GentleWave® System From Sonendo

Sonendo recently introduced the CleanFlow™ procedure instrument, designed to work with Sonendo’s GentleWave System to provide a less invasive and less painful alternative to traditional root canal therapy.

The technology allows for a simpler GentleWave workflow as compared to earlier GentleWave procedures, leading to a better patient experience, according to a press release. The GentleWave procedure offers a minimally invasive process that preserves more tooth structure and promotes faster healing.

In an ongoing multicenter clinical study sponsored by Sonendo, 99.5% of patients had no pain during the GentleWave procedure with CleanFlow Technology and 95.6% of patients had zero to mild pain one day after.

The procedure doesn’t require sealing caps or depth gauges, minimizing the number of steps for doctors and making the entire GentleWave procedure simpler and more intuitive. The GentleWave System’s SoundBAR is housed inside the procedure instrument, enabling the inside of the tooth to be cleaned from the outside.

CleanFlow Technology incorporates an advanced fluid management mechanism for an uninterrupted workflow and a predictable, efficient procedure. It also includes the SoundCue™ for real-time audible indication of a good seal and the FlowView™ window for improved visibility and monitoring. The new instrument also allows for one-hand operation and less activity in the patient’s mouth, improving efficiency for doctors and the overall experience for patients.

View Full Press Release

Source: Sonendo

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