New Sleep Apnea Device Promises To Make You Less Like Darth Vader

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Clinical Director

ImageMost nighttime appliances we prescribe often fall into the category of “Never wear this out in public.” This is especially true when it comes to devices that aid sleep apnea. The most successful device to date are the CPAP machines, short for continuous positive airway pressure. The constant airflow helps to open up the throat to allow air to pass through. The alternative is for the bulk of tissue in your own throat to close down, effectively causing short term suffocation. This then leads to everything from fatigue and irritability, to high blood pressure and stroke.

The problem with CPAP machines becomes apparent the first time you try to wear it. It makes noise, covers over your mouth and nose with a mask, and has a tube connecting you to the main machine. It’s pretty obtrusive at best, but with stroke as an alternative, most find motivation to wear it.

A new device promises to deliver where the traditional CPAP falls short. Provent is basically a one-way valve that allows air to go in, but not out. Once your lungs attempt to exhale air through your nose, the valves block the air, creating back pressure which opens up your throat and keeps your airway open. I’m still doing research on efficacy, but compared to a CPAP, this is about as minimal as you can go.

Drop a comment below if you have tried this, or if you are a doctor who has prescribed it.

