Get this printer!! - A Review of the MoonRay S 3D Printer

August de Oliveira DDS



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Product Name:

MoonRay S

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OMG I love this printer. I have two MoonRay's and they are always going non stop at my office. If you want to print night guards, smile design mock ups, in office aligners, or dies for crown and bridge, this printer can do it all. It is somewhat open sourced in that it accepts the Next Dent line of resins as well as some more affordable options from SprintRay. It's 3 times as fast as SLA or FDM printers and has a nice sized build plate. The software is super easy to use and it's priced well below other printers of comparable quality, in my opinion.

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The Good

Speed, ease of use, Next Dent resins

The Bad

100 microns in the XY which makes it hard to print implant analog models

The Bottom Line

Just get it, you are losing a ton of money paying lab bills on night guards, guides and aligners.

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