Rod Kurthy

Rodger Kurthy, DMD

Rodger Kurthy, DMD

Rod Kurthy, DMD, practices in Mission Viejo, Calif. He graduated with highest honors from Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Dentistry in 1978, and completed a GP residency at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. He has a wide
range of R&D experience dating back 37 years. Dr. Kurthy lectures internationally and has written five popular books on clinical topics and dental marketing. He has received numerous awards including a commendation from the Chief Attorney of the United States Department of Defense for his role in supporting patients' rights in disputes with insurance carriers, and has written for and appeared in both dental journals and consumer magazines. Dr. Kurthy has been interviewed by national media on multiple occasions and is known for the KöR® Whitening Deep Bleaching™ System he developed.
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