Stainless Steel Brackets

Stainless steel brackets are an iconic part of what braces look like and a time-tested part of major and minor orthodontic treatment. These brackets are fabricated from durable stainless steel in order to provide the strength required to move teeth. The brackets are placed on the patient's teeth with an adhesive and then connected to each other via wires and bands in order to provide the precise teeth movements the patients require. While not as esthetic as some bracket options, stainless steel brackets are highly effective and a great choice for many patients. These brackets come in a range of styles and profiles that can be used in a range of clinical situations. Each case will require different bracket setups so find a system you enjoy working with and order the correct brackets for each individual patient.

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Legacy Bracket System
  • Bracket Composition: Stainless Steel
  • Available Prescriptions: Roth
    Standard Edgewise
    Hilgers & Rickettes
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