The Ways the Solea Dental Laser Impacts my Practice and my Workflow

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Monday, July 3, 2017

Review: The Ways the Solea Dental Laser Impacts my Practice and my Workflow

Laser dentistry has been forever changed. After 12 years of personally using all applicable laser wavelengths in the hopes of finding an all-tissue laser that has everything I need, that laser has finally arrived and its name is Solea.

Because of its unique properties, this Co2 variant has truly delivered on the promise made by so many laser manufacturers over so many years. It provides highly efficient preparation time, and procedures performed with Solea require no anesthesia. Traditional or minimally invasive preparation is delivered to users, and a soft tissue elegance makes it possible to move between tissue types without ever stopping to touch the unit.

Blood-free tissue sculpting leaves behind happy pink tissue. Ease of use eliminates the science (it's all in the box) and allows us to prepare like dentists, think like dentists, and ultimately be better dentists. You will be able to cut fast or slow, just like with your handpiece, with a familiar foot rheostat. Just turn it on and go. You will prep like a dentist, except for the fact you will be using the most advanced laser in dentistry to do so. Solea is all computer-controlled and completely upgradable, allowing never-ending improvement, providing consistent upgraded tissue interaction, and an ever-expanding roster of applications.

More than a year into my all-tissue laser journey, I have discovered all of these wonderful features and benefits along the way by using my Solea. When a technology actually does what it says, it is truly transcendent. The growth in our practice in all areas is undeniable. This is because of the predictability of Solea’s wavelength technology. It provides anesthesia-free care in an ultra-efficient manner that continues to greatly benefit my practice and patients.

Standing on these unique abilities, our entire scheduling philosophy and workflow has changed. Procedures that used to take up major restorative time are now side booked in a non-rushed and comfortable manner. Three fillings will be done in 20 minutes now while the assistant is taking digital images and/or preparing the patient. Moreover, these appointments, whether operative or soft tissue, deliver an experience patients not only are talking about, but feel the need to talk about.

In our practice, we book our operative procedures seamlessly against larger work cases and we identify all potential additional Solea procedures in our Morning Huddle meeting. We then identify all times that are available for same-day Solea procedures and greet the day knowing we will exceed patient expectations it three ways: First, patients won’t have to reschedule; second, they won’t experience numbness during the procedure, which is a primary reason people refuse same-day service; and last but not least, the technology allows them to cruise through treatment effortlessly.

After a procedure, we ask patients for a review or testimonial on their experience. When was the last time you requested a testimonial after an operative case?! When was the last time you were unafraid to ask, “How were your fillings today? Would you mind writing a review?" After incorporating Solea, I suggest you ask "Would you mind writing a review on your Solea laser experience?” The raves will astound even the most critical dentists.

The promise of all-tissue laser dentistry is here. There is truly nothing in dentistry quite like Solea technology. My procedures are shorter, I routinely work in multi-quadrants and patients are truly excited! When is the last time your patients were excited about getting multi-quadrant fillings in your practice? Mine are. When were you excited to do them? I am, and now you will be too. For they will be easily included in your daily workflow and will result in increased practice efficiency and growth like never before. No other laser product has ever delivered this for me. Solea literally works. It will work for you, it will work for your patients, and it will work for your practice.  

Review Synopsis

Solea Dental Laser
The Good

Solea is all computer-controlled and completely upgradable, allowing never-ending improvement, providing consistent upgraded tissue interaction, and an ever-expanding roster of applications. 

The Bad


The Bottom Line

There is truly nothing in dentistry quite like Solea technology. My procedures are shorter, I routinely work in multi-quadrants and patients are truly excited.

