Sleep Diagnostic Equipment

Sleep diagnostic equipment tracks a patient's blood oxygen levels and other vital signs during sleep in order to diagnose sleep apnea and other problems. These systems are designed to be sent home with patients who are pre-screened in the practice as candidates for sleep conditions. The data they track is recorded and then downloaded at the practice for analysis and treatment as required. Adding sleep apnea diagnostics and treatment to a dental practice is a simple process involving specialized training and the addition of diagnostic equipment to the armamentarium. It can be a great investment to help grow the practice's treatment capabilities.
CompanyWhip Mix CorporationWhip Mix CorporationWhip Mix CorporationWhip Mix CorporationWhip Mix Corporation
ItemNox T3 RIP Effort Belt, Disposable (Large)Nox T3 Bruxism & Sleep Monitor SystemNox T3 EMG Foam PadsNox T3 EMG Wireset-48"Nox T3 RIP Effort Belt, Disposable (Medium)
DescriptionNot AvailableA complete system for diagnosing bruxism and airway for patients that may result in sleep apnea referrals or dual arch oral appliancesEMG Foam Pads (50) for Nox T3 Sleep Monitor & GemPro.EMG Wireset for Nox T3 Sleep Monitor.Not Available
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