Patient Communication Software

Dental patient communication software is designed to make connecting to your patients easier and more efficient. These applications often work in conjunction with your practice management software to automate some communications tasks such as recall reminders. Any patient communication application should be HIPAA compliant whether it is facilitating email, text, phone call or mail based messaging. Some applications connect to practice marketing services, while others are designed to allow private and secure sharing of patient files, clinical images and other case and patient information. Be sure to find a patient communication software platform that can increase your practice efficiency and make it easier to stay in touch with your patients.
CompanyMouthWatch, LLCMouthWatch, LLC
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DescriptionDentistry.One offers comprehensive virtual-first dental care through a nationwide network of on-demand dentists available for live video consults and TeleDent enables dental professionals to reach and serve patients like never before. TeleDent is a complete teledentistry platform—built from the
FeaturesTrained dentists handle emergencies, oral-systemic conditions, prescriptions, second opinions, cosmetic consultations, and overall preventive care. Care Advisors help ensure patients have a complete care experience, including coordination of in-person dental visits, benefits navigation to help patients better understand their insurance coverage, guidance for improving home care, and recommendations for oral health care products and services. Oral health coaching services are also available to enhance preventive care and address oral health considerations that improve overall health outcomes for patients with specific medical conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and pregnancy.Live video consultations, HIPAA compliant communications, screen sharing, offline modes, notifications, document storage, secure image and file transfer, notifications, team management tools, intraoral camera integration
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