Fluoride Varnishes

Used to provide extra protection for patients' teeth between dental check-ups fluoride varnishes are a valuable addition to any standard prophy protocol. These materials are applied directly to the teeth with an applicator and are then air dried. They provide a lasting fluoride release for patients, which helps to protect teeth. A variety of flavors are available and different varnishes require different protocols. For optimal results for your patients, be sure to follow the instructions and provide your patients with proper follow up for the varnish material you choose.
CompanyPremier Dental Products Company3MIvoclar Vivadent Inc.MedicomMedicom
ItemEnamel Pro VarnishCavityShield™ Sodium Fluoride VarnishCervitec Plus Protective VarnishDuraflor Fluoride VarnishDuraflor Halo Sodium Fluoride Varnish
DescriptionEnamel Pro varnish delivers ACP (Amorphous Calcium Phosphate) to stimulate remineralization of tooth enamel and prevents the loss of enamel. It Not AvailableCervitec Plus is an innovative protective varnish from Ivoclar Vivadent containing the combination of 1% chlorhexidine and 1% thymol for clinically Duraflor is used to relieve dental hypersensitivity, (when heat and cold aggravate the nerve of the tooth causing pain). By coating the dental tubulesDuraflor Halo is a sanitary unit dose of white varnish that comes in a simple "peel and apply" one step package. It is sweetened with xylitol and
Quantity35 Single Dose Units (0.25 mL)
35 Single Does Units (0.40 mL)
200 Single Does Units (0.40 mL)
Not Available20 Single Dose Units
Tube (7 g)
Tube (10 mL)32 Single Dose Units (0.5 mL)
250 Single Dose Units (0.5 mL)
Other AdditivesAmorphous Calcium PhosphateNot AvailableChlorhexidine
Application MethodBrushNot AvailableBrushBrush
Peel And Apply
Contains Fluoride5%Not AvailableNo5%5%
Strawberries 'N Cream
Not AvailableNot AvailableBubblegumSpearmint
Wild Berry
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