Dental Mirror Lights

Dental mirror lights combine a standard intraoral mirror with a LED light source to provide enhanced visibility of the working area. These lights often feature disposable mirror tips in order to reuse the lighted handle. When using a mirror light you are able to provide yourself with the best intraoral visibility. Be sure to follow proper asepsis protocols when using mirror lights with reusable components.
CompanyPhotoMed InternationalIntegra LifeSciences CorporationDefend by MyDent International
ItemOralume LED Lighted Mirror and Transillumination SystemDenLite Illuminated Mirror SystemMirrorLite Illuminated Mouth Mirror
DescriptionOralume is a way to have effective diagnostic lighting at your fingertips - anytime, anywhere. For a quick patient exam, or a hygiene procedure, the The DenLite Illuminated Mirror System provides dental professionals with a bright white light, which eliminates the need for constant adjustment of The perfect adjunct to the Mouth Mirror. The MirrorLite is now coated in titanium which resists corrosion and tarnishing. The Mirrorlite is ideal for:
QuantityOralume Starter Kit:
3 Handles
1 Mirror
1 Trans Tip
Not AvailableIntroductory Kit:
1 MirrorLite
50 Barrier Sleeves
6 Batteries
SterilizationDisposable HandleNot AvailableAutoclavable
Light SourceLED LightLEDLED
Indication For UseIdentifying Caries
And Tooth Fractures
Not AvailableImplants
Restorative Dentistry
Oral Diagnosis
Oral Cancer
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