Silane Coupling Agents

Also referred to as dental primers, silane coupling agents are used to increase the bond strength of the cement used to place indirect restorations. These materials are applied to the restoration surface to prepare it for bonding with the cement being used to place the restoration. Most silane coupling agents can work to prime ceramics, porcelains, metals and composite restorations, but it is important to be sure the material you choose works with the restoration materials you use. Primers also can be used when repairing existing restorations, so it is a good idea to keep some on hand to provide immediate care to patients who need it.
CompanyCosmedentBisco, Inc.DenMatBisco, Inc.Ultradent Products, Inc.
ItemSilanatorBis-SilaneCerinate Primer & Porcelain ConditionerPorcelain Primer Silane Coupling AgentUltradent Porcelain Etch & Silane
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DescriptionAn easy to use, one step silanating agent to chemically increase the bond strength of resin to porcelain. It is a highly stable form of silane liquid.Bis-Silane is a two-part coupling agent offering additional shelf-life stability to ensure long lasting effective bonding to porcelain.Cerinate-Prime is a one bottle, no-mix organosilane, ceramic primer. Research has shown it to increase and enhance the bond between composite resin Porcelain Primer is a silane coupling agent used to improve he chemical bond between porcelain restorations and resin cements resulting in increased Ultradent Porcelain Etch is a buffered, viscous hydrofluoric acid designed for intraoral or extraoral porcelain etching. Ultradent Silane is a single
Quantity10 mL1 Bottle Part A (6 ml) / 1 Bottle Part B (6 ml)1 - 5 mL Cerinate Prime
1 - 15 mL Cerinate Prime
1 Bottle (10ml)2 Porcelain Etch Syringes (1.2 mL)
2 Silane Syringes (1.2 mL)
20 Black Mini Brush Tips
20 Inspiral Brush Tips
pH7.5Not AvailableNot Available4/5/2015 12:00:00 AMNot Available
Delivery MethodBottleNot AvailableBottleBottleSyringe
Bond Mixing RequiredNoNot AvailableNoNoYes
Required EtchantHydrofluoric AcidNot AvailableCitric AcidHydrofluoric AcidUltradent Porcelain Etch
Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
Application Time30 secondsNot Available30 seconds30 secondsEtch - 90 seconds
Silane - 60 seconds
Indicated Metals for UseNot AvailableNot AvailableNot AvailablePFM, Porcelain fused to AluminaNot Available
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