New Dental Product: SmileGuard™ Resin From Desktop Health

 New Dental Product: SmileGuard™ Resin From Desktop Health

Desktop Health, a health care business within Desktop Metal, recently received FDA clearance for its SmileGuard™ resin developed for durable yet comfortable orthodontic and dental appliances.

The light-curable biocompatible material can be used to 3D print bite splints, night guards and mouth guards in the office in one hour, allowing same-day delivery, according to a press release.

The resin offers a blend of both strength and comfort and can be custom fit to a patient’s specific dental profile and needs. It also offers high impact resistance to teeth grinding, clenching, temporomandibular disorders (TMD), and abrasions.

Traditional analog methods to manufacture night guards involve a dental lab, typically take two to three weeks to complete, and require multiple patient visits. SmileGuard resin can be used to manufacture night guards in as little as an hour and delivered to the patient the same day. The patient is scanned during an office visit, where easy-to-use software enables the device to be designed and printed. Polishing then takes just a few minutes.

SmileGuard appliances can be 3D printed on the company’s Einstein™ 3D printer, making it easy to print, process, polish and place.

View Full Press Release

Source: Desktop Health

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