New Dental Products: Einstein 3D Printers From Desktop Health

 New Dental Products: Einstein 3D Printers From Desktop Health

Desktop Health recently introduced the Einstein series of dental 3D printers designed for the Flexcera™ Smile Ultra, a strong dental resin.

This combination of 3D printers and materials allows dental professionals to deliver accurate, 3D printable smiles customized to patients, according to a press release. With the technology, dentists can offer same-day dentistry and have the ability to print a variety of temporary and permanent restorations, including veneers, bridges, crowns, dentures, inlays and onlays, in minutes.

The Einstein printers leverage Digital Light Processing (DLP) technology and are designed with proprietary NanoFit 385 technology to ensure each application results in an accurate fit and natural-looking finish. Equipped with Hyperprint™ technology that harnesses the power of heat and a closed-loop software upgrade, the printer delivers high accuracy with speeds up to 50% faster than its predecessor.

The Einstein series is available in multiple 3D printing solutions to address specific customer needs ranging from clinicians to labs. The series includes the Einstein, designed for general dentists to enable chairside printing; Einstein Pro, designed for small dental labs and specialists; and Einstein Pro XL, designed for high production dental labs and offering the largest build envelope within the series.

Flexcera Smile Ultra+ is an FDA 510(k) cleared Class 2 medical device for permanent, printable dental restorations. It has been formulated with the strength of ceramic coupled with long chain chemistry.

Flexcera Smile Ultra+ dental prosthetics feature NanoFit 385 technology and have been shown to offer a better marginal fit than similar products. The resin offers high fracture resistance; moisture resistance to prevent staining or discoloration; and an overall natural esthetic that offers lifelike tooth translucency and a natural-looking smile.

View Full Press Release

Source: Desktop Health

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