Ultradent Distributing OsteoGen® Plug by Impladent Ltd.

 Ultradent Distributing OsteoGen® Plug by Impladent Ltd.

Ultradent recently announced that the company is now distributing OsteoGen® Plug by Impladent Ltd.

The dental bone grafting plug combines non-ceramic OsteoGen® bioactive resorbable calcium apatite crystals with a Type I bovine achilles tendon collagen matrix, according to a press release.

The bioactive calcium apatite crystals create a structure that mimics the organic and inorganic characteristics of actual bone and is resorbable. This allows it to be replaced by host bone tissue within a few months.

The plug is radiolucent when placed but becomes radiopaque within 3–5 months when it has been replaced with host bone tissue. Implant placement can be achieved at this point.

View Full Press Release

Source: Ultradent

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