New Dental Product: Objet260 3D Printer from Stratasys

 New Dental Product: Objet260 3D Printer from Stratasys

Stratasys recently released the Objet260 3D printer, which is designed for laboratories transitioning to digital dentistry. The company unveiled the multi-material printer at LMT Lab Day, Chicago 2018.

Based on PolyJet triple-jetting technology, the Stratasys Objet260 can 3D print three different materials on a single tray and can build surgical guides, models, and appliances for a variety of patient requirements, according to a press release.

When operating the 3D printer in single-material mode, operators gain production efficiency with shorter change-over and reduced material waste. The solution is well suited for mid-sized labs looking to expand service offerings, while not impacting versatility. The system can be upgraded to “Dental Selection,” broadening adoption of next-generation digitally mixed materials.

During the meeting, the company also demonstrated two other new products. The first, MEDFLX625, is a flexible biocompatible material that allows dental and orthodontic laboratories with PolyJet multi-material 3D printers to custom mix flexible and rigid biocompatible materials for short-term patient contact direct print applications, such as indirect bonding trays. MEDFLX625 helps laboratories increase efficiencies by 3D printing both surgical guides and soft-tissue implant models during a single print run.

The company also demonstrated Pop-Out Part (PoP) technology for simplified and efficient workflows of dental part support removal, specifically clear aligner arches. PoP speeds manual peel-off support for removal of up to 500 parts per hour, per operator. The solution eases use of additive manufacturing for high-volume 3D printing applications, allowing producers to clean thousands of arches with minimal investment in equipment or labor.

View Full Press Release

Source: Stratasys

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