New Dental Product: Cavex Bite&White ABC Masterkit from Cavex

 New Dental Product: Cavex Bite&White ABC Masterkit from Cavex

Cavex recently introduced the Cavex Bite&White ABC Masterkit, a home whitening kit designed to help dentists provide whitening services to patients who are concerned about excessive sensitivity, unnaturally white teeth or cost.

The whitening system’s three-step process reduces sensitivity while providing a naturally white smile at an affordable price, according to a press release. The three steps consist of Activation, Brightening and Conditioning.

Brushing with Cavex Bite&White Stainless removes surface stains and plaque while also raising the mouth’s pH. Patients then wear a dentist-filled tray for 50 to 60 minutes. The tray contains a 16% carbamide peroxide whitening gel that exhibits thixotropic behavior by adhering to the tooth surface rather than running to the tooth neck and gingiva, which can lead to sensitivity. The gel also contains potassium nitrate to reduce sensitivity, as well as sodium fluoride to reinforce enamel.

To further reduce sensitivity, the system also comes with Cavex Bite&White ExSense gel. The gel should be placed in the tray and worn for 10 minutes. It contains a blend of hydroxyapatite and a hydro-dispersing clay to accelerate the dispersion of hydroxyapatite deep into the tubules and micro-cracks in the enamel. This seals off areas most likely to cause sensitivity. It also initiates a process of crystallization that helps restore micro-hardness and speed up the remineralization process.

This system can be used as an at-home whitening option to supplement in-office whitening or as an alternative to in-office whitening.

Benco and Practicon Dental distribute the Cavex Bite&White ABC Masterkit in the United States. 

View Full Press Release

Source: Cavex

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