New Dental Products: New Sonicare for Kids Brush and AdaptiveClean and TongueCare+ Brush Heads from Philips Sonicare

 New Dental Products: New Sonicare for Kids Brush and AdaptiveClean and TongueCare+ Brush Heads from Philips Sonicare

Philips Sonicare debuted a new app-connected children’s toothbrush and a pair of innovative brush heads during the recent California Dental Association meeting in San Francisco.

The new Philips Sonicare For Kids brush uses Bluetooth technology to wirelessly connect to a free iPad app that helps coach children to improve their brushing habits, according to materials provided by Philips Sonicare. Designed to provide a fun and interactive experience for children, the app uses educational games to teach children the proper way to brush with the electric toothbrush. A parents’ dashboard in the app allows parents to monitor their children’s progress and to set custom milestones and awards.

The new brush heads are designed to provide enhanced brushing performance with the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean brushes. The Philips Sonicare TongueCare+ head turns the Sonicare into a tongue cleaner, while the Philips Sonicare AdaptiveClean head is designed to provide gentler and more thorough cleaning.

Source: Philips Sonicare

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