Automated Appointment Reminders Lead to Increased Revenue According to Sesame Communications Study

 Automated Appointment Reminders Lead to Increased Revenue According to Sesame Communications Study

Dental practices using automated appointment reminders from Sesame Communications realized an average reduction in no-show patients of almost 23% and an increase in production of more than $31,000, according to a recently released study by the company.

Sesame Communications’ study looked at 5 years of performance data, and tracked patient confirmation and attendance rates for more than 21 million appointments at close to 500 practices. The study found no-shows were reduced and production increased in the first 36 months for both dental and orthodontic practices, according to a press release.

The study showed that orthodontic practices stood to gain even more than dental practices. Orthodontic practiced saw a similar drop in the rate of no-shows as dental practices, but the increase in incremental production for those practices averaged more than $100,000.

The data behind this study shows the ROI of implementing Sesame Communications automated appointment reminders which can cost less than $3,000 per year while being bundled with other practice marketing and patient activation services, according to the press release.

Click to View Full Press Release

Source: Sesame Communications

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