Manual Toothbrushes

Manual toothbrushes are the basic tool of home oral care. With a bristled head designed to apply toothpaste and a straight handle, the basic design of manual toothbrushes differs little from one model to another. However, the bristle material, shape and pattern as well as the handle grip and design, not to mention the colors, styling, and branding, set one brush apart from another. It's a great idea to have manual brushes on hand to give to patients as they leave your practice, in fact, some patients expect this. Custom branding is also available for some brushes, turning them into an ad for your practice every time your patient brushes.
CompanyUltradent Products, Inc.Ultradent Products, Inc.Ultradent Products, Inc.
ItemOpalescence Oral Hygiene BrushesOpalescence SmilebrushesUltraSeal Toothbrush
DescriptionOpalescence Oral Hygiene toothbrushes have a comfortable grip and are effective against removing plaque and bacteria. Gentle cleaning for teeth and Opalescence Smilebrushes are gentle cleaning for teeth and gingiva, and have great access for hard-to-reach areas. Jr. Smilebrushes for kids have The UltraSeal toothbrush has a large handle that is easy to grip, a cushioned head that won’t irritate gums, and rounded bristles that clean
FeaturesIntegrated Tongue Cleaner
Available In Red, Purple, Green, Blue
Available In Pink, Blue, Green
Jr. Smilebrushes Available In Green, Blue, Red With Playful Images
Available In Playful Colors And Appealing Imagery
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