Case Study: Management of Gingival Hypertrophy

Case Background

Patient presents with severe excess gum tissue. Diagnosis is gingival hypertrophy, associated with poor oral hygiene.

Case Treatment

Treatment Options:

  • Referral to periodontist with several weeks of healing.
  • Topical anesthetic and immediate gingivectomy with the Waterlase MD™ laser.

Patient and parent elect treatment with Waterlase MD laser. When asked about his experience, patient replied: "It wasn’t uncomfortable... you could feel pressure at times. Other than that, it was easy!"

2 Weeks Post-Op
Laser gingivectomy to control hypertrophy associated with poor oral hygiene

Post Op

Minimal bleeding at time of procedure. No need for post-operative analgesia. Gingivectomy completed in 20 min. $640 in additional revenue for the practice

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