Bone Augmentation Study Shows Implants Placed at 8 Weeks

Bone Augmentation Study Shows Implants Placed at 8 Weeks

The Eastman Institute for Oral Health at the University of Rochester recently conducted a study on FoundationTM Bone Augmentation material. The objective of this study, “Healing of Human Extraction Sockets After Use of Foundation,” was to assess this product’s affect on the speed of socket healing, the quantity and quality of new bone, and how soon implants could be placed into stable bone to ensure a predictable position for restoration.

Foundation is not a bone substitute, but rather stimulates new bone growth at an accelerated pace. Immediately following an extraction, Foundation is placed into the socket. The surrounding cells and capillaries infiltrate Foundation. As the extraction socket heals, it is filled with new augmented bone. There is no need to remove it and no membrane is needed. It is shaped in “bullet” form for easy placement and is available in two sizes.Eighteen patients participated in the study and all had Foundation placed after extraction of a permanent tooth. Biopsies were taken at the time of implant placement (8 weeks), and a micro CT scan showed the histological sections had very active formation of woven bone. There was still active healing occurring in the center of the sockets at 8 weeks, but there was more than enough fill-in of new bone to place implants at this early stage.

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