Good Customer Service… It's Not That Hard

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Clinical Director

I was at a coffee shop with a friend the other day getting our usual post-lunch double espresso. Behind the display case they had these custard crème brûlée looking things that looked amazing. I asked the person behind the counter what they were and what flavors they had. She said "I have no idea."

Done. That's it. Nothing more. It was like the customer service I used to get from the hungover college students working at Home Depot. Needless to say, we didn't buy the desserts.

I'm sure the owner of the coffee shop would have a problem with someone working for them promoting their business in that way. In one way, it is amazing that that type of customer service even exists. With all the struggling the economy has caused in the last few years, good customer service should be the easiest thing a small business can do to promote itself. The visit seriously caused me to think twice about the experience patients have in our own dental office. Am I, as well as my team, passionate about what we do and how we help people? I am not talking about a silly pre-work cheerleading session that gets people pumped up for the day, shouting "Let's go, doctor!" as they charge into the day of patient care. I'm talking about a genuine motivation to deliver great care and to truly want the best for the people who walk in that front door of the office.

The reality is this: everything you do is making an impression. It is the impetus behind Fred Joyal's amazing book titled "Everything is Marketing". Every sight, smell, sensation and spoken word impacts the experience a patient has, and the future of your business.

My humble suggestion: Every time you go to a restaurant, retail store, or other doctors office, ask yourself what you liked and didn't like. Next, ask yourself if any of those positive or negative experiences are being replicated in your own office. Dump the bad, augment the good.

My not-so-humble suggestion: Just do it. Be good to people. Practice with integrity. Its not that hard.

What are some things your dental team does to go the extra step for patients? Drop a comment below with your ideas!

