Curve Dental Does it Again - FREE Patient Education Software

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Clinical Director

I have blogged before about how impressed I was with the approach Curve Dental is taking with Hero, their dental practice management software. It is entirely browser based, the same way Google Docs does Microsoft Office without a massive software installation or need for local data storage.

Now they have announced another online addition: Dental Patient Education Software called curveED. Some of the original work was done by Orasphere, a highly talented company that put together some great 3D animations of dental procedures. No offense, but these will always trump the drawings you do on the back of your patients chart. The database is extensive, can be viewed from any workstation in your practice including PC or Mac, and you can even email the vids to your patients. Best of all? Its free.

On Dentalcompare, you can compare other manufacturers of dental patient education software and make your own decision. But keep an eye on Curve. They are really shaking things up.

