An excellent intraoral camera with hard to reach buttons

Jeffrey E Rohde, DDS



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Product Name:

DEXcam 3

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We have been using the DEXcam 3 for about 3 years now. The best thing about the camera is the image quality. It has incredible clarity, making it easy to document cases. Setting it up was easy considering we were already using DEXIS, and it has a direct USB plugin. It is definitely convenient to have the camera controls on the handpiece. The problem is that the button may not be in the perfect position to snap an image depending on the position in the mouth. Also, the adjustable focus is a nice feature but auto-focus would be much more convenient, especially since most shots we take show just one or two teeth.

Image Gallery


The Good

Image quality, portability

The Bad

Button not in the best position, manual focus

The Bottom Line

For all the reasons to use an intraoral camera, the DEXcam 3 delivers. If you are looking to take extraoral images, investing in a less expensive digital SLR would give you better clinical photos.
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